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<gui-chart />



import config from './config';

const chart = document.createElement('gui-chart');
  table: {
    cols: [
      [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
      [10, 42, 1337, 12, 0],
  xAxis: {},
  yAxes: {
    y: {},
  series: [
      type: 'line',
      title: 'Value',
      xCol: 0,
      yCol: 1,
      yAxis: 'y',

import config from './config';

const chart = document.createElement('gui-chart');
  table: {
    cols: [
      [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
      [10, 42, 1337, 12, 0],
  xAxis: {},
  yAxes: {
    y: {},
  series: [
      type: 'line',
      title: 'Value',
      xCol: 0,
      yCol: 1,
      yAxis: 'y',

parent.appendChild(<gui-chart config={config} />);
parent.appendChild(<gui-chart config={config} />);
<WCWrapper tag="gui-chart" config={config} />
<WCWrapper tag="gui-chart" config={config} />


export interface ChartConfig<K = { [keys: string]: never }> {
  table: TableLike;
  series: Serie<Extract<keyof K, string>>[];
   * The x-axis definition
  xAxis: Axis;
   * One or more axes that will be used for y-axes.
   * This is a key-value object for the series to be able
   * to refer to them by the 'key' name in `yAxis`
  yAxes: {
    [name in keyof K]: Ordinate;
  cursor?: boolean;
   * Tooltip position, defaults to 'top-left'
  tooltip?: Partial<Tooltip>;
  selection?: Partial<SelectionOptions>;
   * Delta in milliseconds between two `touchend` event.
   * If under this threshold the touch event is processed
   * as a `dbltap` rather than a `touchend`
   * Defaults: `500`
  dblTapThreshold?: number;
export interface ChartConfig<K = { [keys: string]: never }> {
  table: TableLike;
  series: Serie<Extract<keyof K, string>>[];
   * The x-axis definition
  xAxis: Axis;
   * One or more axes that will be used for y-axes.
   * This is a key-value object for the series to be able
   * to refer to them by the 'key' name in `yAxis`
  yAxes: {
    [name in keyof K]: Ordinate;
  cursor?: boolean;
   * Tooltip position, defaults to 'top-left'
  tooltip?: Partial<Tooltip>;
  selection?: Partial<SelectionOptions>;
   * Delta in milliseconds between two `touchend` event.
   * If under this threshold the touch event is processed
   * as a `dbltap` rather than a `touchend`
   * Defaults: `500`
  dblTapThreshold?: number;


export interface CustomSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'custom';
  draw: (
    ctx: CanvasContext,
    serie: SerieWithOptions,
    xScale: Scale,
    yScale: Scale
  ) => void;

export interface LineSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'line';

export interface StepSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'step';

export interface BarSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'bar';

export interface ScatterSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'scatter';

export interface LineScatterSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'line+scatter';

export interface AreaSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'area';

export interface LineAreaSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'line+area';

export type Serie<K extends string = string> =
  | LineSerie<K>
  | BarSerie<K>
  | ScatterSerie<K>
  | LineScatterSerie<K>
  | AreaSerie<K>
  | LineAreaSerie<K>
  | CustomSerie<K>
  | StepSerie<K>;
export interface CustomSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'custom';
  draw: (
    ctx: CanvasContext,
    serie: SerieWithOptions,
    xScale: Scale,
    yScale: Scale
  ) => void;

export interface LineSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'line';

export interface StepSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'step';

export interface BarSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'bar';

export interface ScatterSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'scatter';

export interface LineScatterSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'line+scatter';

export interface AreaSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'area';

export interface LineAreaSerie<K> extends CommonSerie<K> {
  type: 'line+area';

export type Serie<K extends string = string> =
  | LineSerie<K>
  | BarSerie<K>
  | ScatterSerie<K>
  | LineScatterSerie<K>
  | AreaSerie<K>
  | LineAreaSerie<K>
  | CustomSerie<K>
  | StepSerie<K>;

Common Serie

export interface CommonSerie<K> extends Partial<SerieOptions> {
   * optional offset of the x column in the given table
   * If undefined, the array index will be used
  xCol?: number;
   * offset of the y column in the given table
  yCol: number;
   * must refer to a defined 'key' in `config.yAxes`
   * and will be used as the y-axis for this serie
  yAxis: K;
   * offset of the column in the table to use to read
   * lineType values for each x
  lineTypeCol?: number;
   * offset of the column in the table to use to read
   * the line color values for segment
  colorCol?: number;
   * Optional title used to name the serie.
  title?: string;
   * A hook to customize canvas drawing.
   * This is called before the serie has been drawn.
  drawBefore?: (
    ctx: CanvasContext,
    serie: SerieWithOptions,
    xScale: Scale,
    yScale: Scale,
  ) => void;
   * A hook to customize canvas drawing.
   * This is called after the serie has been drawn.
  drawAfter?: (
    ctx: CanvasContext,
    serie: SerieWithOptions,
    xScale: Scale,
    yScale: Scale,
  ) => void;
export interface CommonSerie<K> extends Partial<SerieOptions> {
   * optional offset of the x column in the given table
   * If undefined, the array index will be used
  xCol?: number;
   * offset of the y column in the given table
  yCol: number;
   * must refer to a defined 'key' in `config.yAxes`
   * and will be used as the y-axis for this serie
  yAxis: K;
   * offset of the column in the table to use to read
   * lineType values for each x
  lineTypeCol?: number;
   * offset of the column in the table to use to read
   * the line color values for segment
  colorCol?: number;
   * Optional title used to name the serie.
  title?: string;
   * A hook to customize canvas drawing.
   * This is called before the serie has been drawn.
  drawBefore?: (
    ctx: CanvasContext,
    serie: SerieWithOptions,
    xScale: Scale,
    yScale: Scale,
  ) => void;
   * A hook to customize canvas drawing.
   * This is called after the serie has been drawn.
  drawAfter?: (
    ctx: CanvasContext,
    serie: SerieWithOptions,
    xScale: Scale,
    yScale: Scale,
  ) => void;


export type Scale =
  | d3.ScaleLinear<number, number, never>
  | d3.ScaleTime<number, number, never>
  | d3.ScaleLogarithmic<number, number, never>;
export type Color = string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;
export type SerieType = Serie['type'];
export type ScaleType = Extract<Axis['scale'], string>;
export type SecondOrdinate = 'min' | 'max' | number;
export type AxisPosition = 'left' | 'right';
export type MarkerShape = 'circle' | 'square' | 'triangle';
export type TooltipPosition = 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left';
export type SerieWithOptions = Serie & SerieOptions;

// we don't care about the type here, it is user-defined
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type SerieData = Serie & SerieOptions & { xValue?: any; yValue?: any; rowIdx: number };

export type SelectionOptions = {
   * If a selection is smallr than this value in pixels it will be ignored.
   * Defaults: `10`
  threshold: number;
   * - `'vertical'` means only selectable according to y axes
   * - `'horizontal'` means only selectable according to x axis
   * - `'both'` means selectable on y & x axes
   * Defaults to 'horizontal'
  orientation: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both';

export type Tooltip = {
  position: TooltipPosition;
   * Called whenever the tooltip should update its content.
   * *If this is defined, the default tooltip will not display.*
   * @param data
   * @returns
  render?: (data: SerieData[]) => void;

export type CommonAxis = {
  title?: string;
  min?: number | Date | core.time | core.Date;
  max?: number | Date | core.time | core.Date;
   * Formats the ticks on the axis
   * See
   * If the `scale` is `'time'` and `format` is `undefined`, the display is defaulting to ISO.
   * See
  format?: string;
   * Formats the cursor hover text on the axis
   * See for number values
   * See for time values in UTC
  cursorFormat?: string;
   * Zoom ratio
  ratio?: number;
   * This is called right before rendering the axis onto the chart.
   * **When defined, no other axis properties will be applied `format`, `ticks`, etc.**
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  hook?: (axis: d3.Axis<any>) => void;

export interface LinearAxis extends CommonAxis {
  scale?: 'linear';
   * If specified, the values are used for ticks rather than the scale’s automatic tick generator.
   * However, any tick arguments will still be passed to the scale’s tickFormat function if a tick format is not also set.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  ticks?: any[];

export interface LogAxis extends CommonAxis {
  scale: 'log';
   * If specified, the values are used for ticks rather than the scale’s automatic tick generator.
   * However, any tick arguments will still be passed to the scale’s tickFormat function if a tick format is not also set.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  ticks?: any[];

export interface TimeAxis extends CommonAxis {
  scale: 'time';
   * Time axis can also leverage `d3.TimeInterval` by specifying for instance `d3.utcHour.every(24)`
  ticks?: d3.TimeInterval | (core.time | core.Date | Date | number)[] | null;

export type Axis = LinearAxis | LogAxis | TimeAxis;

export type Ordinate = Axis & { position?: AxisPosition };

export type SerieOptions = {
  color: string;
  width: number;
  markerWidth: number;
  markerShape: MarkerShape;
  markerColor: string;
  opacity: number;
  fillOpacity: number;
   * - `'min'`: draws the area from `yCol` to the bottom
   * - `'max'`: draws the area from `yCol` to the top
   * - `<number>`: draws the area from `yCol` to the column at offset `<number>`
  yCol2: SecondOrdinate;
   * Maps the col values (from `colorCol`) to a color definition.
   * *Returning `null` or `undefined` will make the painting use the default color of the serie*
   * *Not defining a `colorMapping` will use the value as-is for coloring, meaning the serie's column can contain color codes directly*
   * @param v the current cell value
   * @returns the color used for canvas painting
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  colorMapping?: (v: any) => Color | null | undefined;
export type Scale =
  | d3.ScaleLinear<number, number, never>
  | d3.ScaleTime<number, number, never>
  | d3.ScaleLogarithmic<number, number, never>;
export type Color = string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;
export type SerieType = Serie['type'];
export type ScaleType = Extract<Axis['scale'], string>;
export type SecondOrdinate = 'min' | 'max' | number;
export type AxisPosition = 'left' | 'right';
export type MarkerShape = 'circle' | 'square' | 'triangle';
export type TooltipPosition = 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left';
export type SerieWithOptions = Serie & SerieOptions;

// we don't care about the type here, it is user-defined
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type SerieData = Serie & SerieOptions & { xValue?: any; yValue?: any; rowIdx: number };

export type SelectionOptions = {
   * If a selection is smallr than this value in pixels it will be ignored.
   * Defaults: `10`
  threshold: number;
   * - `'vertical'` means only selectable according to y axes
   * - `'horizontal'` means only selectable according to x axis
   * - `'both'` means selectable on y & x axes
   * Defaults to 'horizontal'
  orientation: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both';

export type Tooltip = {
  position: TooltipPosition;
   * Called whenever the tooltip should update its content.
   * *If this is defined, the default tooltip will not display.*
   * @param data
   * @returns
  render?: (data: SerieData[]) => void;

export type CommonAxis = {
  title?: string;
  min?: number | Date | core.time | core.Date;
  max?: number | Date | core.time | core.Date;
   * Formats the ticks on the axis
   * See
   * If the `scale` is `'time'` and `format` is `undefined`, the display is defaulting to ISO.
   * See
  format?: string;
   * Formats the cursor hover text on the axis
   * See for number values
   * See for time values in UTC
  cursorFormat?: string;
   * Zoom ratio
  ratio?: number;
   * This is called right before rendering the axis onto the chart.
   * **When defined, no other axis properties will be applied `format`, `ticks`, etc.**
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  hook?: (axis: d3.Axis<any>) => void;

export interface LinearAxis extends CommonAxis {
  scale?: 'linear';
   * If specified, the values are used for ticks rather than the scale’s automatic tick generator.
   * However, any tick arguments will still be passed to the scale’s tickFormat function if a tick format is not also set.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  ticks?: any[];

export interface LogAxis extends CommonAxis {
  scale: 'log';
   * If specified, the values are used for ticks rather than the scale’s automatic tick generator.
   * However, any tick arguments will still be passed to the scale’s tickFormat function if a tick format is not also set.
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  ticks?: any[];

export interface TimeAxis extends CommonAxis {
  scale: 'time';
   * Time axis can also leverage `d3.TimeInterval` by specifying for instance `d3.utcHour.every(24)`
  ticks?: d3.TimeInterval | (core.time | core.Date | Date | number)[] | null;

export type Axis = LinearAxis | LogAxis | TimeAxis;

export type Ordinate = Axis & { position?: AxisPosition };

export type SerieOptions = {
  color: string;
  width: number;
  markerWidth: number;
  markerShape: MarkerShape;
  markerColor: string;
  opacity: number;
  fillOpacity: number;
   * - `'min'`: draws the area from `yCol` to the bottom
   * - `'max'`: draws the area from `yCol` to the top
   * - `<number>`: draws the area from `yCol` to the column at offset `<number>`
  yCol2: SecondOrdinate;
   * Maps the col values (from `colorCol`) to a color definition.
   * *Returning `null` or `undefined` will make the painting use the default color of the serie*
   * *Not defining a `colorMapping` will use the value as-is for coloring, meaning the serie's column can contain color codes directly*
   * @param v the current cell value
   * @returns the color used for canvas painting
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  colorMapping?: (v: any) => Color | null | undefined;